Ausgewählte Vorhaben, die durch den Förderverein Innov@tion4Future e. V. unterstützt wurden:
1. Neue digitale Märkte und zukünftige Arbeitsformen
Holthaus, Christian/Stock, Ruth (2017), Good Signals, Bad Signals: Performance and Trait Implications of Signaling in Online Labor Markets, International Conference on Information Systems 2017, Seoul, South Korea.
Holthaus, Christian/Stock, Ruth (2018), Facts vs. stories – Assessment and Conventional Signals as Predictors of Freelancers’ Performance in Online Labor Markets, 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Waikoloa, USA.
Stock, Ruth/Holthaus, Christian (2017), The Interplay of E-lancers’ Character Traits and Digital Signals – Innovation and Performance Implications in Online Labor Markets, 15th International Open User and Innovation Conference, Innsbruck, Austria.
2. Social Technology Readiness und digitale Erreichbarkeit von Mitarbeitern
Stock, Ruth/Groß, Matthias (2016), How Does Knowledge Workers’ Social Technology Readiness Affect their Innovative Work Behavior?, 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Koloa, USA.
Schneider, Katharina/Reinke, Kathrin/Gerlach, Gisela/Anderson, Christoph/Wojtek, Sebastian/Neitzel, Svenja/Dwarakanath, Rahul/Boehnstedt, Doreen/Stock, Ruth (2017), Aligning ICT-enabled Availability and Individual Availability Preferences: Design and Evaluation of Availability Management Applications, International Conference on Information Systems 2017, Seoul, South Korea.
Reinke, Kathrin/Gerlach, Gisela/Tarafdar, Monideepa/Stock, Ruth M. (2016), ICT-Based Communication Events as Triggers of Stress: A Mixed Methods Study, International Conference on Information Systems 2016, Dublin, Ireland.
3. Work-Life-Balance, Me-Time und Boreout von Mitarbeitern
Gerlach, Gisela/Hollensbe, Elaine/Stock, Ruth (Co-Chairs) (2017), At the Interface of Positive Psychology and Work-Life Balance Research, Presenter Symposium, Academy of Management 2017 Annual Meeting, Atlanta, USA.
Stock, Ruth Maria/Strecker, Marina Melanie/Bieling, Gisela (2016), Organizational Work–Family Support as Universal Remedy? A Cross-Cultural Comparison of China, India and the United States, International Journal of Human Resource Management (IJHRM), 27, 11, 1192-1216.
Stock, Ruth (2016), Understanding the Relationship between Frontline Employee Boreout and Customer Orientation, Journal of Business Research (JBR), 69, 10, 4259-4268.
Stock, Ruth (2015), Is Boreout a Threat to Frontline Employees’ Innovative Work Behavior?, Journal of Product Innovation Management (JPIM), 32, 4, 574-592.