Zukunft der Arbeitswelt​


Technologische Durchbrüche, neue Geschäftsmodelle und veränderte Bedürfnisse unserer Gesellschaft werden unsere Arbeitswelt und damit die Art und Weise, wie wir arbeiten, zukünftig stark verändern. Wir fördern Vorhaben, die Erkenntnisse rund um das Thema Arbeitswelt von morgen liefern. Beispielhafte Themen sind:​

1. Neue digitale Märkte und zukünftige Arbeitsformen​
2. Social Technology Readiness und Digitale Erreichbarkeit von Mitarbeitern​
3. Work-Life-Balance, Me-Time und Boreout von Mitarbeitern

Ausgewählte Vorhaben, die durch den Förderverein Innov@tion4Future e. V. unterstützt wurden:​

1. Neue digitale Märkte und zukünftige Arbeitsformen​

Holthaus, Christian/Stock, Ruth (2017), Good Signals, Bad Signals: Performance and Trait Implications of Signaling in Online Labor Markets, International Conference on Information Systems 2017, Seoul, South Korea.​

Holthaus, Christian/Stock, Ruth (2018), Facts vs. stories – Assessment and Conventional Signals as Predictors of Freelancers’ Performance in Online Labor Markets, 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Waikoloa, USA.​

Stock, Ruth/Holthaus, Christian (2017), The Interplay of E-lancers’ Character Traits and Digital Signals – Innovation and Performance Implications in Online Labor Markets, 15th International Open User and Innovation Conference, Innsbruck, Austria.​


2. Social Technology Readiness und digitale Erreichbarkeit von Mitarbeitern​

Stock, Ruth/Groß, Matthias (2016), How Does Knowledge Workers’ Social Technology Readiness Affect their Innovative Work Behavior?, 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Koloa, USA.​

Schneider, Katharina/Reinke, Kathrin/Gerlach, Gisela/Anderson, Christoph/Wojtek, Sebastian/Neitzel, Svenja/Dwarakanath, Rahul/Boehnstedt, Doreen/Stock, Ruth (2017), Aligning ICT-enabled Availability and Individual Availability Preferences: Design and Evaluation of Availability Management Applications, International Conference on Information Systems 2017, Seoul, South Korea.​

Reinke, Kathrin/Gerlach, Gisela/Tarafdar, Monideepa/Stock, Ruth M. (2016), ICT-Based Communication Events as Triggers of Stress: A Mixed Methods Study, International Conference on Information Systems 2016, Dublin, Ireland.​


3. Work-Life-Balance, Me-Time und Boreout von Mitarbeitern​

Gerlach, Gisela/Hollensbe, Elaine/Stock, Ruth (Co-Chairs) (2017), At the Interface of Positive Psychology and Work-Life Balance Research, Presenter Symposium, Academy of Management 2017 Annual Meeting, Atlanta, USA. ​

Stock, Ruth Maria/Strecker, Marina Melanie/Bieling, Gisela (2016), Organizational Work–Family Support as Universal Remedy? A Cross-Cultural Comparison of China, India and the United States, International Journal of Human Resource Management (IJHRM), 27, 11, 1192-1216.​

Stock, Ruth (2016), Understanding the Relationship between Frontline Employee Boreout and Customer Orientation, Journal of Business Research (JBR), 69, 10, 4259-4268.​

Stock, Ruth (2015), Is Boreout a Threat to Frontline Employees’ Innovative Work Behavior?, Journal of Product Innovation Management (JPIM), 32, 4, 574-592.